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Re: RC: RE: worlds youngest rider

At 08:47 PM 10/9/00, Sylvia wrote:
>I'm having a hard time picturing a 3 year old having the wherewithall to 
>understand exactly what they're getting themselves into.

I doubt the Lewis' just plopped this kid on a horse for the first time for 
that ride.  No doubt little Cliffy has spent more hours in the saddle than 
some adults who show up for LDs.  I know some 3 year olds that would eat 
and sleep on a horse and never get off, no matter how long of a ride it was.

>I still can't imagine a 3 year old out there with all those wacky horses!

Remember, Cliffy was riding an old trooper horse.

>Also, I'm wondering what would happen if a 3 year old is riding a horse 
>who is run into from behind and literally shoved off the trail (which has 
>happened to me), or riding a horse who has to zig when you thought he was 
>gonna zag (been there done that).

I betcha Cliff (grandpa) and Tom (dad) were flanking Cliffy.  Doubt any 
other horse was going to get near, and the old trooper horse wouldn't have 
a chance to zig or zag! Lif

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