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Re: [CTR] Action Alert On Peta

In response to Susan's statement that PETA is a fringe group, I was a member
of PETA for a few years in the 80's and became a vegetarian partly because
of them.
I can say truthfully the the magazine and ethics of PETA at that time were
for the rights of ALL animals and that they were the first group to really
raise "animal rights awareness" worldwide.  I have always been a horse and
dog/cat lover.  But PETA made me realize that all animals, from the smallest
to the largest have the same rights: to be treated ETHICALLY (PETA=People
for the Ethical Treatment of Animals).  I have not been affiliated with them
for a few years, but only because I give my limited charity dollars to local
groups that rescue animals and don't have the national funding that PETA
gets.  I believe PETA has all types of people as members, some radicals,
some moderates and some liberals, much as this list has.  But Susan's
statement of being informed is equally important.  One must be an informed
voter and read  ALL the fine print.  Just my humble opinion.  Lindak

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