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trailer trouble

Well, after working with my nit wit Ayrab on the loading thing (John LYons 
would have been proud).  I have him loading like a dream.   Now, if I could 
only get him to unload as well.  He will freak out about half way out and 
crack his dadblame head on the roof of the trailer and so far has given 
himself a gash or two ( I always thought those little hats  on the halter 
were so stupid looking...) .
I was hoping for some ideas on slowing down the backing process a little bit 
(okay, alot).  I have a step-up now and I used to have a ramp, could this 
have any thing to do with it?
Paula and Roc (or more like rocks in his head.) 
and Cosmo, whats the big deal anyway, you just back up til you fall out!

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