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Re: RC: Re: Re: Tucker Saddles


I must disagree strongly with Marilyn's post, IF she is referring to  the 
English  Endurance model Tucker saddle.  I own such a saddle and present the 
following facts:

1.  The saddle weighs 17 lb. unrigged
2.  It does not hurt your back as you are in a very balanced position with 
your feet 
     directly over your stirrups.  In fact when I purchased mine, my back 
stopped being
      a source of pain for me.  My body was able to remain in a balanced 
position at 
      all gaits.
3.  The Tucker saddle was made to fit my horse's back.  He never exhibited 
      pain either at vet checks or on training rides.
4.  The saddle has English rigging which I personally find more acceptable.  
Could be    
      because I have done it that way for 30 yrs(gr)
5.   The people at Tucker are not endurance riders, but when I was working 
      them, they were very open to suggestion.  They were good about 
      after purchase too.

It is very possible that other models of the Tucker saddle are to be faulted 
as you say, but the model I own is great.

Carol Wingate

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