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Re: RC: Re: RC Three important questions to think about

In a message dated 9/13/00 10:33:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<<  I have
 wondered if giving him bute or banamine and maybe an IV and leaving him to
 recover overnight would have given him a chance to get out of there, get the
 jaw fixed, and survive.  After hearing the Tevis story this year, it made me
 wonder if perhaps they overreacted. >>

Yes, treatment on the spot may have helped (don't know, wasn't there)--but 
the order here is wrong.  If the horse is overtired (and likely dehydrated), 
then bute or Banamine can cause serious damage.  So you need to start the IV 
FIRST, and then give the bute or Banamine after the horse is rehydrated.  (To 
the best of my knowledge, no man or beast has ever died due to an acute 
deficiency of bute or Banamine--but they damn sure have due to a deficiency 
of fluid!)  And I think that is the point of this question--that the rider 
giving bute "in kindness" to the suffering horse actually does more harm than 


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