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Re: RC: Pulling up hills?

In a message dated 9/9/00 3:11:21 PM Pacific Daylight Time, JPascu writes:

<< << Nope. Going downhill the hindlegs tend to stab.
  ti >>
 It's not the foot action that we are trying to get. It's the horse learning 
to shift it's weight to the rear. The stopping on the downhill is what 
creates the situation for this "training" to occur.
 Jim Pascucci >>

Have to argue with you here, Jim. I've just spent 5 years galloping horses on 
an inclined oval track and we just spent $200,000 flattening it out (we have 
a pair of uphill gallops, too). The downhill part of the oval was what was 
killing us. The horse short strides behind (braking) and comes down hard in 
front--and the ankles and knees start talking to you. 

On the other hand, if we have a horse that runs heavy in front,  on the flat, 
we put him on the hills for several workouts and he'll balance out, all by 

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