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Re: feeding miniature horses

Well, you could ask the people you bought him from. :-))))
But....probably figure between about 2% of his body weight daily in hay---if he's 200 pounds, approximately 4 pounds of hay total (weighing him on a scale would be a good idea at some point).  I know the mini breeders make a big deal that these are horses, not ponies, but to be on the safe side, feed him like a pony (that is, one of the three Pony Categories---Already Foundered, Currently Foundering or About to Founder)<g>, and be EXTREMELY cautious with grain or rich hay (like alfalfa).  Better to err on the side of caution.
When Sarah unburies herself from the avalanche of work she's under, she might have some suggestions to add.
Have fun. :-)))
susan G
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2000 6:30 PM
Subject: RC: miniature horses

My sister-in-law had a great idea, "I want to raise Mini horses". So today I had to go pick up this lil stallion she and her friend purchased. He is all of 32 inches tall, and looked silly in my 3 horse slat load. Oh well... Anyway all the Arab's at my farm laughed and chuckled when he stepped out.
They all seemed to welcome him. But know I am stuck with him until they get his pen built. "How much does he eat?" Oh he eats from a lot feeder with about 10 other horses. What kind of an answer is that. I figure he is about 200 pounds+or-. Anyone have any ideas?
He is real cute and the mares just loved him. HA HA HA!!! Should I just figure him as 1/4 the size of my regular horses and cut the food in 4ths?

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