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Update on crooked legged foal

Thought you all might be interested in the outcome for
the foal I posted about a while back-Good news!
Nancy wrote:

Just a note to update you on the foal.  The owner of the farm had his vet 
come out an do the Periosteal Stripping.  Total cost was under $100, the vet 
put the foal down and laid him on top of two bales of hay and performed the 
surgery.  All went well, the legs are looking straighter everyday and he is 
getting along fine.  He did rip the stiches out 3 days early, but we have 
been giving him penecillin and so far no infection.  Thanks so much to you 
and all of the people that sent the emails offering their advice.  It is a 
good thing to have a horse chain in time of need.  Thanks for posting the 

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