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Conditioning for 100 milers

	In some of the recent threads it was suggested 
that one ought to train a horse longer distances than 
you expect to compete, ie: do more thanyou expect to do 
in competition. To you people who have done a lot of
100 milers: did you ever do 100 miles in less than 
24 hours during training??? I can't even conceive of 
finding the time to do this! The most Fling
did before the OD 100 was a couple 4 hours training 
rides and a 50 mile competition.
My usual training ride was only 1-2 hours, 
of varying intensity....

Just wondered what the strategy the people who have done lots of
the 100's was. Fling came through the OD with flying colors, though
we did take almost 24 hours to do it.

Sarah and Fling (Oh, boy-my first REAL show this weekend)
we're going to the Eastern Crabbet Celebration-I'm taking
my old Charlie (65% Crabbet, 31 years old) and Fling (42% Crabbet!)!

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