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FEI Endurance

Wendy Merendini
Hi Barbara!
I think folks get all riled up and confuse the issue for 
others.  FEI does not have any interest in how AERC chooses to 
run AERC rides.  I would imagine their plate is pretty full... 

Yes, as FEI is now going to hold US riders to the same qualifying standards as it holds European, etc. riders we will 
need ride managers willing to add an FEI division along with
 their regular AERC rides.  I have ridden two rides that were
 done this way.  One was the 1999 20 Mule Team 100 and the other
 was the 1999 Cosequin Challenge 100.  I do not think that there was any hardship for ride management (other than the normal ride headaches!) or the riders.  

As for prize money.  All money that is won by US riders at World
 Championships is given over to the USET.  You have to sign a waiver to this effect before you get on the plane!  Flikka and I won about $20,000 at the 1998 WEC.  I actually got
 to hold the check for the 30 seconds it took to sign it over to USET!

Now as for other rides, I have only ridden in one ride where there was cash money involved and I can assure you the riders
 were NOT riding for the money!  As far as in the UAE the Sheiks
 do not ride for the money, they ride for the thrill and honor
 of winning - they already have tons of money!  I just do not
 see big money as a bad thing.  You cannot "jockey" successfully through a 100 mile endurance race, too many factors involved,
 the number one being that no matter how good of a rider you are
 and no matter how fit the horse is to be really successful you
 have to KNOW the horse all of his little quirks and where his
 strengths are and what is the best way to use them.  After all you have to be "Fit to Continue" before you get a completion and
 in FEI they are VERY strict about that element.   

Do you realize that before the endurance came under the USET
 that the riders participating in the WEC could win money?  Interesting to note that we have never heard of horses in those
 competitions being subjected to horrible abuses.  I think 
humans as a whole are major change resisters!  If it is new or
 different than the way "it has always been done" it must be
 evil :-).  

By the way would love to hear your story sometime....


PS: How is Flikka's half-brother these days?

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