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Special's leg--long

Yesterday, I went home and tried Tom's hot soak/cold soak suggestion.  This 
morning, the bump on the inside of Special's cannon was minuscule!  Though 
she still reacted when I massaged it this morning.  The swelling in the joint 
was also noticeably smaller.  My neighbor (former pro-rodeo rider and general 
horse expert) suggested that with the swelling virtually gone that Special 
really needs more exercise because she has gotten so obese from being off of 
work due to my injury and now hers.  He suggested that her weight is a 
hindering the healing in her leg.  She is out on an 80 acre pasture with lush 
grass and truly, she is obese.  However, as I stated in my last post, I don't 
feel comfortable locking her up because she paws, paces, and generally rips 
things up.  

So, my neighbor thought that I should begin lightly riding her again even 
though there is still a small amount of swelling.  He stated that no one 
except me can even see the swelling, and because the horse is trotting sound 
it would be okay to ride her.  The horse is trotting sound and big -- breaks 
just below level.  But, Special did NOT trot prior the injury and has not 
done her gait (that I have seen) since the injury.  What do you guys think?  
Okay to ride lightly?  

Rhonda and Special

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