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Re: Weanling needs surgery

Excellent advice, Debi.  One of our clients who raises Standardbreds had a
problem with a stallion who would throw these funky crooked legs.  Last year
he had TWO, one was his and one was a client's.  The client opted to have
that surgery done and he opted for the careful, frequent hoof trimmings.  It
was his experiment.  Guess what?  There is basically no difference between
the two yearlings now except that one had the expensive procedure done and
the other had more trimmings with an occasional rasping inbetween farrier
visits.  I thought that was a pretty interesting outcome.  It is hard to
tell though when they are young how severe the crookedness will end up being
and of course, not all will respond the same to whatever course of action
one might try.

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