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Re: RC: Call Me Nosey

In a message dated 01/21/2000 1:02:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< I just was many Californians are going to the Convention? 
 you consider it a LUXURY or something really beneficial, or....think, think 
 so I can get the time off AND convince the spouse! >>

It's a wonderful experience!  Very informative speakers, lots of contact with 
other riders from all over the country, absolutely fabulous trade show, and 
the convention really jump starts your endurance year.  You'll go home all 
pumped up with ideas of how to ride better, feed and condition your horse 
better.  I've never missed a convention since I don't know when.  (But then I 
must be there to attend board meetings).  I would consider it highly 
beneficial, not just a luxury.  And probably lots of Californians will be 
going.  I don't know the percentage, but the fact that the site is so close 
for us the percentage will be high.  It's complicated and expensive for 
riders in the east to come here, but they do come.  Many arilines do not fly 
into Reno without a connection into another hub, so someone from Iowa, for 
example, has to fly into San Francisco, then transfer to Reno. That's what I 
mean by complicated.


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