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Improving the RM info list

Russ and I spent a reasonable amount of time adding information to the 
on-line ride manager list over the past years.  Now that we are running 
from the AERC office data - there are differences between it and what 
we used previously.

In an attempt to get the most accurate info for the RM database in the 
office, I put up a URL where the present office RM data is copied.

If ride managers would look at this and send the corrections to the office
- either by paper mail or e-mail - it would help 
both the on-line and office to have more accurate information.

Note that there may be names in this of RM who are not doing rides now.
This is just a list from the database and there is no need to update 
info if the RM is no longer doing rides.

A sample entry has a number of fields:
        Ride Manager Name
        addr1: 1234 First Street
        addr2: Apt 456
        city:  MADRAS
        state: OR
        zip:   12345
        phone: 541-xxx-xxx

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