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Re: RC: Reactorpanel saddle

Hi Carmi

> Can you tell me how soon after you began using the saddle that your problems
> first began?

I bought the saddle back in March (or thereabouts) 1999. I rode in it all
summer long and did various rides. The longest ride I did was a 30 miler. I
did a multi-day of 20 miles each day. I went on holiday with my horse and
rode him about 15 miles every day for 6 days. After the holiday I first
began to notice scabby hard skin appearing in the places I've just
described. I called the saddle fitter in to re-fit the saddle. I had been
using it (and adjusting it to) my other horse - she too began to show signs
of discomfort (spooked and spooked and napped and napped - she's very quick
to complain. I did a 30 mile ride with her in it and she was exhausted by
the end of it. I realise now she had pain - the ride was very easy and flat
with lovely sandy going and shouldn't have tired her the way it did.

> Did someone from Roe Richardson attempt to help you re-fit the saddle?  If
> so, with what success or lack of it?  If not, why not?
They came out to re-fit the saddle after I came back from my horse holiday.
I pointed out the disc shaped sores that had started to form but was told
that the saddle wasn't really doing that. I was also told that the hard and
scabby skin which was flaking off at this point was caused by dirt and sweat
not being cleaned off after riding. At the time I accepted that maybe I
hadn't washed my horse down very thoroughly, I don't now. I have never had
any trouble with him sweating and blocking his pores. I clean him down now
the same as I always have both before and after I had the saddle - I've
never had flaking skin before.

> Before you bought your saddle, were templates and measurements taken of your
> horse?
Yes a template was taken and measurements.

> At any point, did someone from Roe Richardson inform you that perhaps
> ReactorPanel would not work on your horse?

Nope nobody ever said that. Although I have heard that since from other
people that it works for some horses but not all. That's the way with most

> Could you please give me the names and email addresses or phone numbers of
> the other people who had problems with the saddle?
Two people who came to a ride I organised over here, in the end one of them
didn't come because of saddle trouble with the Roe Richardson. they don't
have email numbers but I'll try and dig out the phone numbers.

> If you would be interested in selling your saddle, or if you would like me to
> help you in any other way, please let me know.

Sadly I would be interested in selling the saddle. Sadly because as a rider
I loved that saddle and found it incredibly comfortable. But it's hard to
ignore your horse in pain. My horse also has chronic Azoturia and in fact
has had several attacks this year that I feel can't have been helped by the
saddle fit. The horse this saddle was fitted too is a pure white chestnut
leopard Appaloosa - a very beautiful horse who never complains about pain.
You look at his back now and you won't find white hairs because he's already
pure white but if you look closely you can find a few bald patches where the
hair simply hasn't grown back and probably never will since he's 15 years

My other horse an Anglo-Arab chestnut mare (would die for me but if she has
pain she lets you know FAST) she had white hairs come up in the places where
the discs were. Luckily they are all gone now when this year's summer coat
grew through. But they were there all winter long. She was lucky she
complained so I stopped using the saddle on her quickly.

The saddle is an endurance saddle with the lovely thick knee rolls. It's
brown with a suede seat and the knee rolls are also suede. It has an 18 inch

I'm now down to two horses and only one saddle I can use which is the Free n
Easy saddle. Another pannelled saddle made here in the UK. I don't find it
as comfortable as the Roe Richardson was but both my horses find it a lot
more comfy. I've had to learn to like it for their sake.



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