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used trailer and LQ questions

I am thinking about upgrading our horse trailer.  We have a stock trailer
halfway turned into a 3 horse slant (it has a slant tack room) and we're
getting ready to build the dividers.  But I'm trying to decide if it just
wouldn't be worth it to go buy a used 3 horse slant with either living
quarters or space to add LQ in ourselves.

So I have 3 questions:

1. How much do you think finishing up our trailer (adding the dividers and
fresh paint) will help it's trade-in value?
2. I would prefer to pay used prices (I think) so I'm wondering how much
horse trailers hold their value?  I know, complex question based on brand
etc, but some general thoughts or experiences would be appreciated.  I just
saw a '92 Sundowner with LQ (6' short wall, I think, and mid tack) and it
was definitely used, but not abused for $43k!  I saw a '88 (brand I'd never
heard of, aluminum) with red indoor/outdoor carpet and very smelly in the
gooseneck, 2' short wall, no LQ for $12k - I can buy that brand new!
3. Has anyone taken a trailer with a good sized tack space (4' or 6' short
wall) and converted it to LQ on their own?  Was it worth doing - money and
time wise?  Where did you buy stuff for doing that?

Any other thoughts?


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