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Re: RC: Shoes, blood flow, and endurance

>     Riding a horse or mule without shoes or some sort of hoof 
> protection is 
> not allowed by the AERC.

Since when?  I once noticed Danny Herlong's mare was missing a rear shoe.
 I said, "You've lost a shoe in back".  He said, "She never had any on.
If she's got one on the other, she found it."

I saw Carol Ann Beckner do the Tennessee 50 (very rocky) on her App with
no shoes.  It needed them and could have gone a lot faster with them, but
she said she hadn't shod the horse for the whole season (midwest area I
think) and wasn't going to shoe for just this one.  I don't think Becky
that rides the tiny pony "Comet" has him shod, and I don't plan to shoe
my ponies for a ride if I can help it.

As far as the wisdom of pulling shoes part of the year...I don't.  For
one thing, I ride most of the year.  Taking that one set off just meant
that a darned good looking foot got busted down to nothing.  I've never
had any trouble with contracted heels etc.  I did pull shoes for a couple
of months last winter since I was giving him time off...didn't see any
change except for getting his foot a little chipped up.

Seems strange for a farrier to go around bragging about barefooted
horses. Not good for business. Maybe his wife sends him off to work every
day, but he'd rather stay home.>g<

Angie and Kaboot (always shod)
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