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ouchies and electrolytes

Just a couple of questions for you more experienced people out there.  The 
first one is about cuts, stitches, and locations.  Alpine cut his leg on a 
brick tonight, not bad, but would benefit from a couple of stitches.  
However, is it wise to stitch a horse on the outside of the leg, right at the 
top of the knee?  It's not on the front where the skin is always moving, but 
on the outside of the right front leg.  I can stitch him myself, but Alpine 
is my first horse, and I'm just not sure if that's a wise place to put 
stitches.  In the meantime, I cleaned it out with water and betadine, smeared 
fly ointment around it, sprayed with enough fly spray to drown in, and put 
some antibiotic ointment on it.  Let me know what you all think....

Now my electrolyte question.  I am certain Alpine needs some electrolytes.  
We are riding through this summer in the florida heat, and boy does he sweat. 
 I have to wash his saddle pad everytime we ride because he sweats through 
it.  He has started going after anything salty, my hands, his salt block, etc 
with great enthusiasm.  So, I bought him some electrolytes, apple flavored.  
I added them to a bucket of water, and placed in his stall with a fresh water 
bucket too.  I  hear all of you talk about dosing with i 
wonder if he should have access to them at all times in his water, placed in 
his feed, or just dosed when we are riding?  What do you all think.  He is a 
great drinker and will drink anything anywhere (I am truly blessed....) so 
I'm not worried that he won't drink the apple flavored water.  Again, any 
comments would be appreciated!!

Juli and Alpine (little palomino paso who loves pepsi!!!) 

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