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Re: RC: Tevis

To me the scariest part (now that we can go around that dang Cougar Rock) are 
the bogs in the Granite Chief Wilderness.  (Somewhere between Squaw Valley 
and Lion's Ridge :).  They can be very treacherous.  The rest of the ride is 
pretty much just tough it out, heat humidity, etc.  As long as you're keeping 
a close eye on your horse (and know him well), he'll probably be ok -- the 
bogs are like this big accident waiting to happen -- go SLOW!!  The toughest 
part?  Hmm....I'd say LEAVING Forest Hill and saying goodbye to my family, 
knowing that it will get dark soon and I'm riding allllllll alone.  Very hard 
to do!  As far as what to wear -- I usually wear a light sweatshirt (zip 
kind) when we leave Robie in the a.m.  -- its pretty cold then. Drop it with 
somebody at Squaw Valley. Never had need for anything other than a T-shirt 
and tights after that.  It generally doesn't cool down much after dark the 
closer you get to Auburn (too humid).  I carry e-lytes for both my horse and 
me on the trail, an easy boot, peanut butter & jelly squares to snack on plus 
4 water bottles that I refill every chance I get.  Drink, drink, drink.  I 
try to pack lightly (they may have a different definition of "lightly" though 
:) for my crew, just refill of stuff I consume on the trail, one spare 
stirrup leather (you never know) and a few odds and ends.  One water bucket, 
plastic bags with bran mashes for my horse -- he eats 'em right out of the 
bags, a sponge, a folding chair to sit on and REST. Probably other stuff that 
I can't think of right now.  Making the cutoffs hasn't been a problem so far 
(knock on wood).  I do kind of have a "game plan" in mind when we start out 
with goal times of when I want to arrive at each vet check.  I'd be happy to 
give you my "preferred" arrival times if you want them.  (usually middle of 
the pack pace).  So much can happen out there though, that its a challenge to 
stick to a schedule! <g>  Good luck at the Tevis -- it is an experience 
you'll never forget :))

Sylvia & Harca (going for buckle #6 this July :)

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