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Re: RC: "Heaves"


I know this goes against popular RC advise, but my gelding
lived on alfalfa cubes only out in Las Vegas.  I would say
that he got an average of 4 lbs. twice a day of dry cubes.
We didn't soak them.  There were 8 horses boarded at this
place and all of them did extremely well on the cubes.
Nobody lost weight, in fact, if we weren't careful in the
amount we fed, they gained weight.  The owner bought them
wholesale (bulk) and we never had a problem with them.  He
was on them for 2 years before moving to MN.  Feeding cubes
in the West is fairly common among trailriders and show
people.  I have no ill feelings towards them since I've
never had any problem.  Then again, we haven't done over 25
miles in one ride :-)  But, if you are having a problem with
hay, I guess I wouldn't hesitate to give him cubes.  I still
mix a few (OK several) in with the beet pulp.  The horse
just loves them.  Good luck and I wish the best for you.  It
is terrible when one of our companions become sick.  Oh, by
the way, I have a boarder who's horse is allergic to hay.
She gets a blend of bran, beet pulp and corn.  Approximately
8 lbs. per day.  This is the only thing she gets.  The mare
looks great and is almost 35 years old.  If interested, I'm
sure the owner will give me the name of the mill and the
exact ingredients.  We may have to call her vet, since she
has been on this for about 5 years.  Sure, she doesn't have
the 'chew factor', but at least she is healthy.

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