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Kate and Richard and a question

I hope you all enjoy the accounts that Kate and Richard wrote up. Lest you
think that these people are all utterly mad to ride these horses, I should
point out that Kate and Richard have been riding Sam and Massaoud together
for the last four (I think) years without any incidents and have been
welcome participants on our usual Friday morning outings. Other than Sam's
strange interest in machinery (the only polymorphous perverse horse in the
world) they are the most congenial of riding companions. I'm not sure about
Sam's background, but I know that Kate bought Massaoud from a stable in the
pyramids area about 14 years ago when he was retired as a racehorse. She
went on to do some jumping with him and even sent a picture of them to
George Morris' clinic column in Practical Horseman. We were all amazed and
terribly pleased when they actually printed it, and even more astounding,
George was very complementary. These two guys (Sam and Massaoud) are two
tough old birds and charming gentlemen.

Now for the question:  I remember a while back someone asking about getting
numbers off horses. The bays are ok, but the greys are a little gaudy. The
markers were some kind of marker (not wax) and I'm also emailing Bobby and
company to find out their recommendations for removal. Apparently it doesn't
come off with water and your average soap. Got any suggestions?

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
Cairo, Egypt

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