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award ideas
- To: "Carol barker" <bcbarker@earthlink.net>, "Christy Logan" <logan@etex.net>, "Darolyn Butler" <darolyn@swbell.net>, "David Kaden" <dave@iolv.com>, "Gail & Paul Zeck" <hkranch@worldnet.att.net>, "George McGraw" <gmcgraw@amtech.com>, "Gillian Gourlay" <fraser.gourlay@cwix.com>, "holzer" <holzer@hal-pc.org>, "jeanetta sturgeon" <jetta4trails@yahoo.com>, "Jim Baldwin" <Baldwin@ionet.net>, "Karren Beason" <kbeason@cland.net>, "Kathy Crothers" <kc85124@uafsysb.uark.edu>, "Linda Parrish" <lindap@lcc.net>, "Margie Burton" <MargieKC@aol.com>, "Mary Fields" <fields@mesh.net>, "Mike Jaffe" <jaffe@onramp.net>, "Pat Gifford" <dpwg@juno.com>, "Patti Crawford" <pattisamks@aol.com>, "Paulette Brehob" <JWM1@prodigy.net>, "Robin Kurtz" <robin.kurtz@micro.com>, "Russell/Nona Broussard" <russell.broussard@notes.frigidaire.com>, "Shelley Bridges" <trc@gte.net>, "Susan Young" <glenn218@yahoo.com>, "Sylvia Fant" <sfant@sat.net>, "Vonita Bowers" <mikeita@txk.net>, "Becky Huffman" <TOS@htcomp.net>, "Anita Burson" <aburson@webtv.net>, "Ann Pfeiffer" <animaltack@aol.com>, "Barbara Sondock" <Golfrider@aol.com>, "Bill/De Proctor" <OasisArab@aol.com>, "Bob/Amber Roberts" <mlaboure@flash.net>, "Bridget Cavanaugh" <Bridget_C@yahoo.com>, "Carla Bass" <rebelcjb@aol.com>, "Carol Patterson" <Psytrist@aol.com>, "Carolyn Stark Schultz" <carolyn.stark.schultz@mail.utexas.edu>, "Christina Aldridge" <limberlost@worldnet.att.net>, "Connie/Phil Farmer" <taluga@aol.com>, "Cyndi Craig" <Cyndi.craig@chron.com>, "Dane Frazier" <DFrazier@mail.llion.org>, "Dennis Seymour" <Horizondoc@aol.com>, "Ed Spurgeon" <emcovalve@glade.net>, "Edie Booth" <Desertbred@USA.net>, "Jan Wright" <wrightj@livingston.net>, "Jennifer Watkins" <gypsiechic@email.com>, "John Wilkins" <royal@hillsboro.net>, "Karla Koch Dick" <karlak@mail.tca.net>, "Kathleen Weickhardt" <Sunnyland@mvtel.net>, "Kitty Longino" <Ribbonridg@aol.com>, "Kitty Proctor" <rpkprp@mpsi.com>, "Kurtis Kleffen" <kjkleffn@gte.net>, "Laura Lewis" <LLewis@Astrotech.com>, "Laura Stoicescue" <lstoicescu@earthlink.net>, "Lori Thorton" <lthornton@velaw.com>, "Lynda Corry" <lcorry@velaw.com>, "Lynn/Hillary Zeigler" <lynnzeigler@hotmail.com>, "Marcia Coker" <chenserv@iamerica.net>, "Margaret Ling" <wildt@flash.net>, "Mary Manuel" <texmary1@aol.com>, "Mary Watkins" <trotalot@wt.net>, "Merlin Krum/Tex Low" <krumm@flash.net>, "Mike Maul" <mmaul@galaxy.nsc.com>, "Nickie Lawson" <lawson@htcomp.net>, "Peter Ansorge" <artemis@wireweb.net>, "Randy Moss" <remoss@itouch.net>, "Robert Jacobs" <prc@netropolis.net>, "Ruth Gaddis" <RuthG@Localink4.com>, "Tony Hartin" <thartin@flash.net>, "Tracey Hoskins" <thoskins@gte.net>, "Trish Dutton" <trishd@softthought.com>, "ridemanagers" <ridemanagers@aerc.org>, <ridecamp@endurance.net>
- Subject: award ideas
- From: "Louise Burton" <firedancefarms@prodigy.net>
- Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 22:48:43 -0600
- Organization: Prodigy Internet
Thank you so much for the donations to our ride, the Okmulgee Cougar Prowl!
Because of this, I could have some "fun" awards. I tried to insert my list,
but it did not work, and I hate to send an attachment to everyone, so here
is the short list, besides the regular awards. My favorite, a new one this
year, is MIDDLE OF THE PACK, or ENDURANCE PACE for those who know what a
hunter pace is.
Best Vet Score
First Mare, Gelding, Stallion
Oldest Horse: (TOGY, age 22)
Smallest Horse AERC #: (BW Atesch #3742)
Smallest Human AERC#: (Karren Beason #11)
First time 50 mile riders
This gives people a chance to win things when they don't finish top ten. It
was a lot of fun, and everyone learned to appreciate some of the other
riders/horses a bit more, I think.
Complete Ride Results will be posted on the central region homepage.
Happy Trails!
Louise Burton
Firedance Farms Endurance Arabians
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