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Re: RC: Re: It's not an arab thing

my new horse, Sere, is what you would call..."itchy"...she always seems to 
have an itch that needs scratching.  She doesn't scratch to the point that 
breaks skin..but she loves to be rubbed and scratched by people....that 
is..if she can't reach it herself!  Quite often, I see her scratching her ear 
with her hind foot..or turning around and scratching her side.  And, if your 
around, and she can't reach a spot, she'll show you where she would like to 
be itched.  The spot she usually points to (with her nose), is under her 
belly.  And, the little princess can get sort of irritated if you are too 
brainless to figure out what she's talking about.  I'm usually who she gets 
angry with and says, "no, not there....a little to the left"...but she's 
almost got me trained. Whenever I see her, I just rub her little face until 
her eyes close ane her ears take the shape of airplane wings.  I guess if I 
don't learn where her little itchy spots are, she'll just have to get more 
flexible.   On occasion, I have also seen her rub her entire body along the 
fence (kind of like a dog rubs his body along the side of a bed or 
couch)...she usually does it after a ride...I don't know why but I hope she 
never breaks any fences!!!!  

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