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Re: Which one should I buy, do any of you have a Trail-Et or Sundowner?

Last June I bought a Sundowner 2 horse slant gooseneck and I
love it.  The roof and floor are aluminum, not tin.  I
haven't noticed it being noisy inside when it's raining.  I
was concerned about an aluminum floor, but once I saw how it
was constructed I decided I believe it's better than wood.
The only draw back is that if it were to ever get damaged it
is fairly expensive to repair.  It's coated with a spray-on
plastic for protection against moisture, and has rubber mats
on top of that.  It's a very well made trailer, and lots of
things are standard that are optional on other brands.
Also, Sundowner is a big supporter of AERC.  So Sundowner
gets my vote!  :)

SusanB and Cricket
northern Virginia

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