Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Transition For Dummies: 14 Steps Or Less To Booted Success

We’re now seven weeks into the transition and it seems like a good time to pause and review the high points of moving from steel shoes to Easyboots. In this short amount of time, our four horses are all barefoot, our boarder’s horse is now barefoot and many of our friends and neighbors are barefoot or are just about to make the move. My horses’ feet look healthier for it – I like the way the hoof is growing, the way angles are changing and the way they move.

I have been watching barefoot riders for several years; always thinking I would never be one of them; always thinking the transition would require more of me than I was willing to offer. The points listed below are based on my limited experience and may help make the prospect your transition more palatable.

Read the full story here

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