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RE: RC: Re: newbie Question

My young horse has never had a jumping lesson in her life but she will happily
pop over logs and small obstacles whilst out on the trail. I found that this
was in fact the best way for her to learn about jumping things. We did it in a
natural got to get from A to B way. 

At first she would only walk over things under duress and I had to get off and
walk over first. We've gone from that to jumping logs and small fences on
small local rides. Once on a pleasure ride she jumped quite a high fence,
which at the time I never imagined she'd go over but was done in the heat of
the moment. Another horse had just jumped the thing, we passed two or three
others who were dithering and trying to decide whether to try and jump it and
luckily I had the presence of mind to just push her on, tuck in behind this
other horse and she took the jump beautifully. It was about 2 foot high. She
didn't falter or think about it she saw the other horse jump and she did the
exact same thing. 

I would try taking your horse out and making them walk over small tree
branches and then trot and then canter. I think the problem with learning to
jump in an arena is that the situation is so artificial and pointless for the
horse whereas on the trail if you have to go over a log or tree to get where
you are going it makes more sense somehow. 


From: Hope Ross on Fri, Mar 5, 1999 2:31 pm
Subject: RC:  Re: newbie Question

>O Angie was talking
>>about a ride that at one point she was jumpng over some logs in
>>a mucky area.  My question is this, is it a good idea to teach
>>your horse to jump?  And to learn yourself?  
>It never hurts to learn to do something right...but I wouldn't be
>too concerned about WHETHER he'll jump.  You get them headed the
>same direction 100 other horses go and nothing will stop them.  If
>I'd been at home Kaboot would have said, "You must be kidding" if
>I'd pointed him at that obstacle.  As it was, I could hardly hold
>him back.

Hmm, I think I'll ask my trainer to go over the basics with us --
the idea of trying something brand new while out on the trail with
a horse that I am fairly certain has never jumped anything in his
life ... That and I'd like to stay on!!  Out of curiosity -- what
"gear" are you usually in when approaching a jump?  The only time
Dixie's jumped with me was straight up in the air when I was riding
side-saddle -- the lack of leg on right side was spooky, don't you

Thank You
Hope & Dixie (One leg, one side of me thank you very much!)

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Subject: RC:  Re: newbie Question

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