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Re: Overnights in a trailer

Just an observation, Dr. Jim Steere whom I have the upmost respect for
keeps his horse overnight in the slantload with no problem
what-so-ever.  I asked him about it and in a crowded camp or a rainy
camp he feels it is much safer for the horse.  I've only kept Mystery
inside my slant load if it is raining and cold, other wise he gets tied
outside and this year I would like to do a high-line, but have no
reservations about tying him outside.

People who tie to the trailer tend to walk their animals, we don't just
leave them to stand and get stiff for 12 hours.  All because it isn't
done in another country doesn't mean it is a horrible thing to do.  Not
everyone can afford portable corrals, find paddocks in a campground, or
even have room in a campground for corrals.  So don't judge without
knowing all the facts please.

BTW, Mystery even lays down when tied to the trailer and no, the lead is
not too long.  The horses also can move side to side and around the
corner of the trailer so "me thinks he suffers not..."  I just spoke to
a gal who describe a ranch where all horses are tied in their stalls
every minute they are in them (no doors)...I guess many farms did this
in the "olden days". I'll always remember waking up to see my big morab
laying down in the middle and all the horses tied to our trailer and
Jazon's trailer pulled taunt at their leads looking at him like he was
loco or something!  <g>

I've updated my webpage, not alot there but some horse pictures, if
anyone wants to check it out at:

Will try and get more stuff up there soon.  Happy riding to y'all!
Kimberly (&Mystery the Morab)
Pt.Reyes, CA

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