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Re: RideCamp: Rope halters and endurance
At 07:08 PM 2/25/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>Welcome back Barbara,
>Are you heading down for the FL three day to enjoy the warm weather,
>sunshine and Ocala sand? Are you going to take the final test by
>getting rid of the snaffle bridle crutch :-).
Not this year -- would have if I hadn't done this horse swap. This mare
should be renamed "Bromeliad" -- she's an air plant!!! We've JUST started
on some consistent work (I always let new horses settle in a couple of
weeks before embarking on a SCHEDULE). She may surprise me -- did a fairly
steady 45 minute aerobic set of exercises yesterday and when I put a
stethoscope on her immediately upon climbing the last hill to where I
untack it was 56... I STILL want to feel good that she's as re-sculpted
with as much slow twitch (or modified whatever she's got) muscle fiber as
possible before I enter a ride!!!
She had been ridden in one of those simple soft nose hackamores and is
quite obedient in the string halter. In her case, we'll use the bit to
help her learn to stretch and round. Besides I sure don't intend to drive
her without a bit!!!!!
So, alas -- I'll be shipping back the Middleweight Trophy instead of
taking it back with hopes of bringing it back home!
Best for now,
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