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Re: Please help save our horses!!!!

In a message dated 2/21/99 8:16:58 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< I know that if this message reaches enough people the beef industry is 
 going to feel it.  Many of these are the same people that are marketing 
 horses for meat in Canada and Japan.  I don't want to hurt the ranchers 
 that are running a clean business, but for the ones that are turning our 
 pets and devoted working horses into meatloaf, this is the only way I 
 know to get them to listen. >>

Kelli, I have to reiterate what April said.  The horse slaughter industry and
the beef industry are two entirely separate industries.  What you are saying
is the equivalent of saying that if you boycott Nike shoes, eventually the
folks at LL Bean who market elite winter footwear will feel it.  I don't think


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