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Ridecamp , Cow Tanks, Viruses and Worms

Hi guys,

Just got back from the Cow Tanks ride in New Mexico - another
great Randy & Barney ride. (Randy Eiland puts on 17 rides in 
New Mexico, and I think Barney Flemming is head vet for all those
plus dozens more in the SW.) All of Randy's rides are well managed
and friendly. I rode 2 days (120 miles) but my mare's front legs were
showing the strain from all of the sand so I stayed in camp and helped
on the 3rd day - taking pulses, basking in the sun, a little guitar, 
fresh tamales and burritos for lunch... almost as good as riding. 
Great tonic for those of us slogging through the northern winter!
Only 9 horses made it through all 3 days - the heat and sand took
quite a toll. Most of the horses were pretty hairy and they really
got hot. Sharon Dumas and OT Cassidy's Dance had the fastest
time over all three days and even took BC on the third day. They
looked great. I'm keeping a few horses with Boyd Carson - Spur C
Ranch near El Paso - for the winter (great rates, good care) so
plan to go back down for the Renegade 5-day in March. I'll be ready
for mure sunshine by then! 

Ridecamp Registration - I'm still shooting for Feb 20 to switch
over to the new Ridecamp listserve - so please make sure you're 
registered by then. ( ). I'll
be building the new listserve from the list of people who have
registered - you will NOT be automatically transferred over from
the old listserve to the new.  You need to register for the new one.

Once you are registered, you will have access to a form so you
can subscribe and unsubscribe, or change from digest to regular,
at any time. So those of you who drop off the list while you
travel can still do so, you won't need to register again to sign
back on when you return.

Viruses and Worms  - I'm going to see if it makes sense to filter
all .exe attachments from the list so that folks don't inadvertantly
distribute viruses to all of the Ridecamp subscribers. I just need 
to make sure I can differentiate between 'good' attachments and
.exe attachments. Shouldn't be a problem though.

I'll keep everybody posted on Ridecamp status over the next
couple days.


Steph Teeter

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