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Bad feed

Hi, Sue,

  Don't you worry about feeling as if there's nothing you can do. You have
already done it. You've alerted ridecampers...and let me tell you, if you are
new to ridecamp..there's no more vociferous a bunch than ridecampers. I for
one will never feed Tiz Whiz now, (I never did before but now I won't) for two
reasons....the metal in it, and your treatment from the manufacterers. I will
tell all my horsey friends, who will tell all their friends and ........the
dominos fall. 
We won't hear anything, of course, but in six months time, I betcha Tiz Whiz
is going to be hurting. A boycott, whether intended, publicized or not, is a
powerful tool when enough people take part in it.
I can tell you that for Tiz Whiz to have metal junk in their feed means
someone's screwing up or asleep at the Quality Control wheel. Thank goodness
none of your horses were hurt. 
Thanks for letting us know.

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