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Hi everyone

My thoughts on clipping... I have two horses both are stabled, one is clipped
with what we call here in the UK a blanket clip. A blanket clip is everything
off the neck and head, under the belly some of the flanks and lower quarters.
The legs are left hairy and a 'blanket' of fur left over the back and

My Appy has this clip and needs it because he is very hairy and sweats a lot
and then loses condition. He has to get clipped at least three times over the
winter. I keep him rugged up through the winter and have this year bought a
great underblanket that has a hood attached that goes up the neck to his ears
(but isn't attached over the ears). With this rug it means on very cold nights
his neck is kept warm. 

In England people clip their horses ALOT, perhaps even too much. One woman on
our yard gives her horse a FULL clip every month in the winter. This horse
doesn't do endurance but the odd pottering trail ride and a bit of schooling.
No one here though would clip a horse and then leave it living out. 

My other horse is an Anglo-Arab and she got clipped once last winter with a
trace clip which is half the neck off and all of the belly area off and this
year I haven't bothered because she has been injured and not working that
hard. She's also rugged up and stabled though. 

It is difficult knowing whether to clip or not. One thing I have for both my
horses which puts your mind at rest is a wonderful rug I have called a
Thermatex. Basically it is a quilted rug with three layers the middle layer
being a wool fibre. It is a brilliant rug because it wicks away the moisture
from your horse. The layer next to the horse remains dry while the moisture
sits on top of the rug. So even if your horse is really hot and sweaty you can
throw this rug on and they can dry with a warm rug on. 

In the summer though when we're competeing I may have to fully clip my Appy
because even his summer coat is very thick and he sweats such a lot. 

Does anyone else fully clip in the summer?  


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