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Re: re Hiking the Hill for trails

Regarding the Hike the Hill for Trails. It is a trip to Washington DC from
March 12 to 15 for the purpose of influencing and educating Congress and
Senate about our need for trails.  It is outrageously successful, in fact
that is how we kept the Yosemite Stables Open.  That is also how we have
been able to grandfather in some of our traditional competitive and group rides.

Hi Teresa, I take it that EN means Endurance News. Of course I would be
willing to write an article...BUT.... I was at a dinner at the Camp Virnir
Restaurant in Georgetown last Saturday night and sat next to Doyle Patrick.
I offered to write an article with these important issues included and his
response was: "Don't expect that we will print it after you write it. I am
just letting you know in advance we can't accept everything submitted." I
told him that I understood how difficult it must be for him, but that he
wrote in his column last month how he was soliciting contributions from
professional writers.  Anyway, (you are right) I have so many articles to
write now and with Christmas there is no time.  I will probably put out a
Heritage newsletter with the trails information in it and include the
announcement of the Tahoe Rim Ride in it as well.
Thanks for thinking about me.  You are absolutely correct, the general
membership needs to know a  whole lot more about the issues so they can be
forwarned and prepared to take action. George Cardinet is so busy with his
Anza Trail stuff he hasn't been answering letters and calls.  Posting to
Ridecamp is another good idea because some of you take and run with it.
At 11:35 AM 12/21/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Nancy or Connie,
>Is there a web-site with more details?  I have to admit to not
>reading my EN's terribly thoroughly in the last year or so but I
>dont remember hearing of this.  Its not enough for the trails
>chair to be personally committed - the general membership needs
>to be told whats going on and what they can and should do to
>help (with plenty of repetition).  I'm a BCH member too (again
>not super active, but committing to supporting the organization
>with membership dues and pitching in on some trail work days)
>but I feel that the trails committee needs to do whatever it
>takes to get trails information to as many AERC members as
>possible - its not enough just to say "get involved at your
>local level, join a general trails group" and get an occasional
>email out to ridecamp.   Though it probably is best to wait till
>after the holidays to post to RC about this so the info does not
>get lost in the shuffle. 
>How about featuring Heritage Trails in EN?  - Nancy would you be
>willing to write an article?   I think it would be great for
>everyone to learn more about this group.  Its the kind of
>information I've been wishing I was getting from EN.  
Nancy DuPont, Executive Director
Heritage Trails
1350 Castle Rock Road
Walnut Creek, CA 94598

Our Mission: To preserve and protect trails and answer the question, "Where
are you going to ride your horses, and where are you going to keep them."
Telephone (925)937-7661 FAX (925) 943-7431

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