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Re: RC: Breeder sweepstakes
In answer to your questions:
1. What exactly does having a breeders sweepstakes nominated horse do for
you? I have joined the IAHA only to find that=
I had to rejoin, because being a new dumb person, I didn't realize that you
had to renew every November. I also was tol=
d that my horse wasn't eligible until I have 100 miles on him not to include
LD. I have done 2-25, 1-35 rides this seaso=
n and will do my first slow fifty on him next spring.
To be technical, a Breeders Sweepstakes Nominated horse is a stallion or
sometimes,mare, whose get can be entered in the Sweepstakes program for a
reduced fee ($300 for a breeding entry, paid before the foal is born or a
Nominated Sire entry which is about $2000 now, I believe) What you may be
referring to is a horse that is entered in the Sweepstakes program (via a
breeding entry or Nominated Sire entry or other avenues!) and is eligible to
win Sweepstakes money. Technically, a stallion could be a Nominated Sire
(his foals could win money if the $300 breeding entry is paid for the foal),
but he could not win money in competition if he is not also entered into the
Sweepstakes program as a competitor (separate fee).
I'm guessing that the 100 miles you are referring to is the eligibity to
compete in IAHA regional endurance rides. If you can get the IAHA handbook
(iaha@iaha.com) it will explain the eligibility requirements. The horse must
have 100 miles within "two proceeding calendar years and that period of the
current year." (I quote because I'm not sure quite what this means --- you
go figure!!) You are correct, the endurance rides used for eligibility must
be at least 50 miles (LD's wouldn't qualify). You can also use 50 miles
ridden at an IAHA Regional or National Competitive Trail ride towards the 100
miles (but then there are eligibilty requirements for an IAHA CTR!!).
2. If my horse is nominated, do I have to pay an additional $3000 before he
is eligible for prize money? I was told thi=
s is so but I sure hope it's wrong info.
Not quite sure what you are referring to here. If your horse is a stallion
that is a Nominated Sire (described under #1 above), it is possible that he
is not entered into the Sweepstakes program as a competitor. If his sire is
NOT a Nominated Sire, it is very possible that you would have the pay the
$3000 to enter him into the program (if his sire is a Nominated Sire, it
would not be quite as expensive to enter the son/daughter --- I believe this
would be called a Nominated Sire entry (for already born get of a Nominated
Sire) vs a Breeding Entry which is the $300 fee paid BEFORE the foal is born.)
3. I was recruited to join The Mother Lode Arabian Horse Assoc. from CA last
fall at the Reno ride. I paid my membershi=
p dues in November, do these dues include membership in the IAHA?
Check with the Mother Lode Assoc --- if you are an "affiliated member" you
are probably also an IAHA member. If you are an "associate member'" you may
be just a member of the local club. You should get a membership card from
IAHA if you are an affiliated member. Could take a month or 2 depending on
how promptly the club gets the paperwork into IAHA and how prompt IAHA is
these days.
You can contact IAHA at iaha@iaha.com They issue a handbook about every yr
or 2 that would better explain the Sweepstakes program (which can get pretty
Good luck!!
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