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Dogs & Christmas Greetings

"Sorry, Celeste - hunting dogs and some other breeds - like the Anatolian
we've got) will go hunt or go roaming no matter how well they're cared
for and loved.  We're not talking about running away from home
permanently, we're talking about going on excursions!  Exciting
excursions!"  Lif

I agree with Lif---dogs do their own thing when we aren't at home.  Ever read the book, "The Secret Life of Dogs"?  A great book, funny and insightful about how dogs do the darndest things when owners aren't around.

There are many dogs in my neighborhood, and sometimes early in the a.m., I will see several of them traveling down the black top road, all of them splitting off to their various homes.  They've been somewhere and they all have secret smiles.

While I prefer that the neighborhood dogs did not roam, it is a fact of life and just something to deal with.  They soon learn not to chase my horses; Spanish Mustangs will just as soon stomp a dog as look at it.....~S~

Cats, too, have very, very secret lives---and they never tell.

Happy Holidays to All!
Gretchen Patterson
Marshall, Texas

T-P Ranch Christmas Card

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