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Re: Dogs
basically the fault lies with the owners. the dogs are only doing what is
natural for them if allowed to run loose. its always a shame that the dogs
have to suffer because of owners lack of responsibility.
here, in san luis obispo county in california, we can recoup 3x the amount
of the damage done by a dog. if we lose livestock as a result of a dog
attack and can identify the dogs we can get 3x the value of the animal. if
the animal lives but requires veterinary care then we can get 3x the amount
of the vet bills. so check with your individual animal control department
for current laws. ours also say all a dog has to be doing is 'worrying'
stock to be shot, they can 'worry' from the other side of a fence.
i was even paid for my time to bottle raise a lamb whose dam was unable to
nurse her due to being attacked by dogs.
having been in this situation myself i will always attempt to call a stray
dog on my property once, if it responds fine, then i'll call animal reg to
come pick it up, however if it persists in chasing then i have no problem
shooting it because my animals have rights too -- but i prefer the owner
were in my gun sites as it is really their fault.
years ago we did a lot of riding on the beach north of santa barbara. lots
of loose dogs. our horses learned when we dropped the reins that they
could give chase to a problem dog. my gelding would pin his ears, drop his
head and go after a dog with his mouth wide open. he also had a tendency to
use his front feet but was not a kicker. this did make believers out of
many dogs but some will run until you turn away from them and then come in
from behind again. i've been known to chase dogs right to their front
doors till a human comes out. i then explain about leash laws, the 3x
damage law we have and that i have no problem filing a complaint against
their dog since i know where it lives.
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