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Action against Libel

>From: (Joane White)
>Subject: Action against Libel
>Do you have the email address so all of of Ridecamp could email the Tom
Jones' server?  How about the others' servers?  Recently, I read about a
very successful lawsuit against not only an individual who committed libel
(slander reduced to written communication and published)and Intentional
Infliction of Emotional Distress, but also against the server who didn't
immediately take action to terminate the offender after the behavior was
reported to the server.
>I am not a computer specialist; I am a personal injury attorney.  If those
of you with the computer skills will tract down the servers of all the
offenders, I will be happy to take the legal steps to get the servers to
shut the offenders down.  
>I'm as sick of this as the rest of you appear to be.
>Joane White
>Attorney at Law
>Price, Utah

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