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Re: trailering/choke-wrong cause!

It was not the trailering that caused the chokeing it was the fact that 
the horse did not get a good drink and it was very hungry so it glomped 
on to whatever it could find.  I have seen this several times at rides 
when the horse comes into a vet check and is real hungry.
Don't be paranoid that action by itself sets you up to have problems!

>Subject: trailering/choke
>Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 08:45:16 -0700
>Regarding the chance of choke occurring by feeding when in motion, I 
>would have thought it would have a remote chance of happening either, 
>last fall when my husband and I trailered our QH mare and Arabian mare
>about 40 miles to enjoy the aspen-lit mountains in our area.  We rode 
>four hours, mostly at a walk, but a little trotting, nothing stressful 
>the horses, just enjoying the long slow distance and the scenery.  My
>little Arab wouldn't drink very much but that isn't unusual for her in 
>weather when she is not working hard.  Got them back to the trailer, 
>up and drove home and when I unloaded Poppy she took two steps and 
>to the ground.  Got her up and same thing, she would walk kind of 
>for a few steps and then crumple.  She pooped normally.  I ran inside 
>called our vet while Ken kept her going and miracle of miracles he was
>there in less than half an hour.  Nothing wrong with gut sounds, gave 
>some banamine...he decided to tube her and ran into an obstruction at 
>bottom of her esophagus right before the entrance to her
>pushed on through with the tube and within  a short time she was fine,
>eating her mash and drinking like nothing had happened.  The vet 
>that it could have been just one of those freak things...motion in the
>trailer and she was munching her hay and some of it got stuck and it 
>wouldn't wash down.  
>Sorry this is so long but it frightened me badly enough (not to even
>mention the vet bill) that I'm not going to feed our horses "in motion"
>again.  Would rather stop on the road even if the trip takes a bit 
>Betty in Colorado (call me paranoid)

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