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Breeds @ WEC by Michele

Judy Houle asked about which different breeds were represented at the
WEC in UAE. Most of the horses there were Arabs and Arab crosses. I did
see a few warmbloods, mostly from the European countries, and there was
a definite thoroughbred influence. Argentina had, I believe, mostly arab

crosses. Malaysia had what they were calling criollos, which might be
confusing, unless you know that "criollo" means "native." So, the
Malasians were riding their local crossbred horses (one was an
Appaloosa, one a Thoroughbred, and the others looked like
Quarterhorse/pony crosses! I suppose the Argentinians could have been on

criollos, if you consider an Argentinian grade horse to be a criollo. I
don't believe they were what we would call the Criollo breed, though.

Michele. (not Steve)

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