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1999 Idaho Prices

Bob Morris stated that Idaho's 1999 Prices for endurance horses were  around
$2000. This is what I mean about sticker shock--particularly for an
established horse with a decent record. If you haven't been really looking

Bob, have you talked to Belesemo Arabians (Caldwell, Idaho) lately? They
have sold most of their older and competition age horses in the last 6
months at prices well above $2000.  The gelding I was "standing in line" for
was $7500 and he had two other buyers ahead of me. The first buyer bought him.

The Nez Perce program has some coming three year olds from their breeding
program for $5000. The two older horses are more than that.

As I recall, you had a couple of horses you would have considered selling
about eighteen months ago but your asking prices were well above $2000.

This is just Idaho and I agree their prices were on the lower end.  Want
California's or Arizona's prices? But even the lower end right now is well
over $2000 for an already competing horse.  

BTW, the best prices so far are coming out of Canada and shipping is no
worse than in the states.

Joane and the Herd
Price, Utah

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