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Dear Angie,

Remind me, If I ever get the plessure to meet you.... to smack you and then 
hug the hell out of you... 

I havent laughed like that in... oh it seems like forever... I have had such 
a bummer year... nothing wrong with horse... just life....and farriers..  

That was such an awesome story... I am still crien, and I am sure I will hate 
you tomorrow, because my guts will hurt so bad.  Man, it was like riding it 
with you and Kaboot, it was cool and tear jerking at the same time... 

And I want to thank you personally....
It has been so long sence I have had "The Awesome" horse....and it was so 
cool to ride your win with you. (even if it was on a computer)

Take Care & Happy trails...
And as always... "To Finish IS To Win" (boy I grew up with that motto)
Jinnifer & Savage
(working on being a force to be reckoned with., If I could only work out the 
"Arab moments"... just kidding.)
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