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Re: OT Trail Preservation

If you haven't yet written your letter to save The Outlaw Trail do so now!  All the pertinent information has been posted previously so check the archives.  I have had the pleasure? of riding OT twice and both times were tough and challenging.  The Tevis trail pales when compared to parts of OT, especially the first 3 days.  Don't get me wrong I love Tevis but OT is 2+ Tevis' in 5 days.  Even if you have never ridden OT please write to preserve it.  I wrote my letter and sent Crockett a copy, I hope you all do the same.  I have included a copy of my letter as a sample.
Marci Cunningham (OT in 1988 & 1995)
Bakersfield CA

Mr. Pete Wilkins

Team Leader

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

337 S Main St Suite 010

Cedar City UT 84720

Dear Mr. Wilkins,

I have read with interest parts of the Draft Management Plan/Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.

I was fortunate to ride the Outlaw Trail Historical Ride (OT) in 1988 and 1995 and hope to ride it again in the future. Riding this historical 5 day ride across Utah gave me experiences that I will treasure the rest of my life. It is easy to see that the impact from the OT is minimal as the OT riders ride through the country rather quickly (4-9 mph) enjoying the scenery and taking pictures. I was amazed that locations I took pictures of in 1988 looked the same in 1995. Being able to ride trails that the early pioneers rode would not have been possible for me had it not been for the existence of the OT.

The draft plan does not provide for the continuance of the OT as the route is limited to 12 participants in Action Alternatives B-E. The Heritage Industry concept was supposed to be a focus of the GSENM, however limiting group size to 12 effectively eliminates most of the outfitter and guide operations. The loss of this organized historical ride would be a loss of an opportunity for individuals from all over the world (in 1995 one participant was from Europe) to learn about and experience part of America's history. I especially enjoyed the historical talks from local residents given each night. Action Alternative A (No Action) is the only Alternative that would allow the 21 year old OT to continue.

Please don't kill the OT by adopting Action Alternatives that prohibit such activities. I implore you to keep the spirit of the old west alive by allowing the OT to continue through the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.



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