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Re: Ethoxyquin

In a message dated 1/19/99 9:45:59 PM Central Standard Time, Vuduvet1 writes:

<< My understanding too is that ethoxyquin(synthetic Vit E) is a fat-soluble
toxin which means it will be stored in the fat for a long time.  I have read
of occasional instances where animals were exposed to fat-soluble insecticides
and stored it in fat.  When they became sick or were put on diets where they
had to lose weight, the toxins where released into the bloodstream as the fat
was finally taken out of storage and metabolized.
 I don't use anything with ethoxyquin in it.  We should thank Monsanto, the
wonderful company that figured out how this by-product of rubber manufacturing
could be used as both antioxidant (not in a good way) as well as insecticide.
But of course, this is the same wonderful chemical company that also brings us
Bovine Growth Hormone and the toxic aspartame (Nutrasweet).  Better living
through chemicals, eh?!
 Kim Henneman, DVM >>

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