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Re: Back to the Barn? No Go!

I have a friend (who unfortunately does not have a computer or is not on the
Internet) who would probably suggest you carry a pocket full of carrots.  When
your horse starts to demand going back to the barn, distract him with a chunk
of carrot, then ask him to go on (away from the barn), then distract him again
with carrot when necessary.  The theory here is to make being out on the
trail, away from the barn, a fun and rewarding (as in carrots) experience.
She uses this in all kinds of cases, such as horses that cannot tolerate being
left behind a companion on the trail, even though it be as little as 50 feet
behind.  She has cured many horses of that problem with the old carrot
routine.  Of course, any time the horses hear the snap of a carrot, they stop
for their goodies, but the distraction seems to direct their attention to the
rider, rather than their agenda (going back to the barn).  It's out and out
bribery, but if it works, don't knock it (that's her theory).  Eventually,
when the new good habit is formed, you can forget the carrots (and the horse
will, too).  Her philosophy is "my horses do what I ask of them because they
trust me, not because they are afraid of me".  It might be worth a try, and if
you wish, I can supply you with her phone #.


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