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Well, now that we're on the topic of about the effects on
horses?  Last week, my horse broke out in hives.  The vet gave him a shot of
cortisone (which cleared up the hives within 12 hours).  Then he had me give
him prednisone pills for 5 more days.  The horse was scheduled for an
endurance ride this weekend, but I will ride my other horse instead.  He
seems ok (no side effects), and my vet assured me that the prednisone "will
not test."  But I don't want to be accused of violating the drug rules, and
I'm not sure I
want to compete on a horse that is either on a prednisone high or coming off
of one.  How long should I wait before I enter another competition???  (At a
local ride last month, ride management did not  let a horse start because it
had gotten a prednisone shot the morning before.  They wouldn't have known
the rider hadn't said anything.)  Any thoughts??

Karen Steenhof
Boise, Idaho

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Date: Thursday, July 22, 1999 11:05 AM
Subject: RC: RE: Holy Hay Mites, Batman!

>In a message dated 7/22/99 7:08:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
><< Quick warning on the prednisone.  I was on it for 10 days, then
> another 10 (total 20) for a very severe poison ivy reaction.  You can
> really gain a lot of weight.  It does give you unlimited energy, and
> un-satiable appetite.  I gained a pound a day I was on it.  Took me a
> year to get rid of the excess weight.   >>
>I also have to deal with the realities of prednisone due to allergies.
>side effects can include Cushings disease and joint degeneration.  I had to
>do one wean-off because of side effects, and now try to take it only in one
>large dose for an acute problem and not continue it.  It sure does relieve
>symptoms, but it is a two-edged sword!
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