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Re: RC: Airider Non-Slip saddle pads

Jasmine Cave wrote:
Are these the ones made by Grooma that look like the grooma loopa shampoo
mit(plastic strings matted together)? If so I would also be interested in
what people have to say because I was thinking of getting one.
The July 1999 issue of Western Horseman has a picture of this kind of pad on page 104.  We have two pads like this and like them a lot.  I was hesitant to use them until I read on RideCamp that someone had used one on a 50 mile ride and it worked well.  They are very easy to clean (just hose off) and dry quickly.  They don't slip on the horse's back and they keep the back cooler.   It is kind of hard to tell the top from the bottom.  The bottom has a coarser (or rougher) appearance than the top.


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