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Clicky ankle

Here's one for the paranoid.

Last night I was doing some groundwork with Mouse. Before 
we started, I checked her over for bumps and cuts and 
noticed that she was resting her left hind leg. I checked
it for swelling/heat, nothing. Later I noticed her resting
it again, at a slightly odd time (I was doing "alarming,
scarey rope dangling" exercises, and she was not too
comfortable - not the sort of time I'd expect her to
be resting a foot casually).

And then I noticed, as she was walking around in the round
pen (soft sandy footing), that that fetlock joint seemed 
to be clicking each time she put weight on it.

I've noticed her clicking before, but don't think she
does it all the time.

She didn't seem lame on it, per se, except for resting

Should I be concerned? Will a scoop of flex free sort
this sort of thing out over the long term? Is it just 
that she needed further warming up? Is this totally
normal and all horses click now and again?

Worriedly (that I'm turning paranoid)

Lucy Chaplin Trumbull -
Repotted english person in Sacramento, CA

with Mouse and Provo

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