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Hi Kim,
    "Mystery" is probably happy to hear what your NOW saying in a
"conversational" tone. And THAT's what it breaks down to....a "conversation"
between two beings who BOTH want to just "get it done" with a minimum of
screaming at each other, pain or hard feelings.  (Sounds like my wife and I
trying to (insert any project around here).)
    What I find interesting is when this metamorphosis (i.e., change of
character, conditions), occurs...the time spent together typically translates
into rides of greater length, rides of less intensity and tension and the
sating of deep hungers for movement (equine and human).
    Congratulations on finding the light switch!  (Now the "room", in which
"Mystery" and you find yourselves, SHOULD contain stimuli a bit easier to
     Don't stop!  (I love the name of where you live...POINT REYES (Point of
the Kings!) implicit beauty must reign there.)
      I'm sure you and Mystery find it when you ride.


    Check it Out!    

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