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[Fwd: RC: To Silicone or Not to Silicone]


---- Begin included message ---- wrote:
> On Tuesday she
> took him to the vet and she found sand underneath the silicone, underneath
> the pads.
> My question is this:  When using pads, should we be injecting silicone under
> them?

There are some standard packings, including silicone and oakum.  Each
have their advantages/disadvantages.  No matter what we use, I've found
that the miles of work tends to loosen it and allow foriegn matter to
get under the pads.

I've had a small oval cut out of the toe of a plastic/vinyl pad (just
behind the web of the shoe) and used no packing at all.  Sand and "junk"
had an escape route.  I never had any problems with small gravel & rocks
getting in, but I could see that it might happen.

Another option to consider is to use rim pads to get the foot further
from the ground and protect the sole/frog.

Linda Flemmer
---- End included message ----

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