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As one who has an interest in not only riding but also hiking and
crosscountry skiing, I have been fortunate to interact with other trail
users on a one on one basis and can maybe offer some insight as to the
mindset of some of the other trail users. We as riders know that horses
are pretty trail friendly and don't usually do a whole lot of damage. But
there are prejudices among hikers especially, and they boil down to two
issues: fear and  misinformation - fear that horses will run over them or
kick them, belief that horses weigh a ton (literally!) and that they wear
cleated shoes, and belief that manure polutes water sources. I have seen
these beliefs in print in some of the hiking newsletters. Hikers also
think that horsepeople do no trail maintenance.  I have established a
good working relationship with a district forester who is sensible and
horse-friendly - another rider and I took him on a ride on state forest
trails, and  he had a wonderful time. He has said on several occasions
that the best way to promote cooperation among trail users is to interact
one on one and educate these often self-righteous hikers who are so
misinformed. Trying to get our point across by use of power tactics
(political means) is often counter-productive. What this means is that
every time you as a rider encounter another trail user you must be a
public relations rep for the horse people. Take the time to educate the
other trail users, join their groups, walk in their shoes for a while and
gain their trust. Then they just may listen to you - nothing to lose by
trying, and a lot to gain. Please think about it.
Patty in PA

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